It all began twenty years ago in Maitland when we discovered the urgent need to supply the jewellery industry with packaging, window display material and accessories. At that stage there were only two suppliers in South Africa – both in Gauteng – we saw this as an opportunity in the Western Cape.
The business gradually grew year after year. We ensured that our customers received not only a good product but that they were happy with our service as well and in so doing, we were building customer relationships which have stood the test of time.
It soon became apparent that there was need for good quality gift packaging as well. Our customers were continuously requesting various types of boxes, packets, bags and printing thereon and the business has grown and developed steadily ever since.
Today, we supply the gift, wine, craft and confectionery markets. In fact, on yet another level, we received requests from customers not only for the supply of display furniture in new jewellery stores, but also to attend to their shopfitting requirements as well and as a result have added various services to our ranges of specialised packaging.
We are now able to provide full turnkey shopfitting solutions as well as branded packaging and display components to these niche markets. Incorporating -
1. Customised display furniture
2. Customised window displays
3. Window dressing
4. Customised production and printing
Our design studio at our Maitland premises specifically caters for all these requirements.
Our range is extensive and diverse, incorporating boxes, paper carrier bags, jewellery rolls, pouches, customised displays, wrapping paper, craft products, wedding accessories etc – we create boundless opportunities in this market space. All branding and printing requirements are attended to in house as well.
Our network of representatives and agents has developed over the years and our products and services are now available not only nationally, but throughout Southern Africa
(Namibia/Zambia/Mozambique/Zimbabwe etc)
We have recently added a retail component to our business and offer a factory shopping experience at our Maitland premises – our factory shop is well worth a visit!
The retail and design studio trading hours :
Monday to Thursday 8.30 am – 3.30 pm
Fridays 8.30 am – 3.00 pm
We would like to thank all our customers and suppliers for their wonderful support over the years, for without them all these achievements would not have been possible. We hope, not only to continue improving your image but also to keep you in the limelight for many years to come.
Our new website will make it easier to shop online in the future and we trust whether you visit us at our Maitland premises or order online (or telephonically) you will enjoy your shopping experience with us.
Contact our efficient team for cost effective display material, packaging and design ideas.
Customer Care: (021) 511 2527 (Tony)


